My Skills and Spiritual Gifts

Technical Skills

Communication Skills:
My strongest form of communication is writing. I have always been able to communicate more effectively through the written word than through speech. 

I do well when giving a speech or talk but when it comes to carrying on a conversation I am less than perfect. I have a hard time verbally communicating my thoughts, feelings, opinions, ect. I just can't seem to speak as effectively as I write. To improve this I could practice by participating in more conversations than I usually do.

Listening is a skill that I have improved upon over the years and yet there is still room for more improvement. I listen better when reading than I do when with people. When reading I am quite thoughtful, but when listening to people I need to work at paying closer attention to what they are saying, rather than thinking of how I'm going to respond. I also need to work at simply focusing on the person and tuning out distractions.

Organizational & Problem-Solving Skills:
I am a very organized and scheduled person. I am great at setting up priorities and goals and making a way to meet them, especially under specific timeframes. I also do well at identifying problems and finding solutions. Though I tend to stress out under changing conditions I do manage to always get things done properly. And though I do well at using reasoning, delegation, research, and past experience to solve a problem or meet goals, I lack when it comes to creativity. I stick with what is tried an true rather than implement creative ideas. Though this may not be bad or wrong, I do realize the importance of creativity  and could work harder at taking a more creative approach.

Computer Literacy:
I frequently use Microsoft Word and consider myself at the intermediate level. I am somewhat familiar with PowerPoint, Excel, Photoshop, and Lightroom but do not use them very often to hardly at all. I am currently taking a technology class that will be widening my experience with some of these softwares.

People Skills

Interpersonal Skills:
It is hard for me to begin relationships. I am shy and have difficulties starting a conversation and keeping it going. I am capable of building trusting relationships but, unless there is an immediate connection, it takes me a while to warm up to people. Once I do build a relationship I am loyal and honest and I do well at inspiring others to work as team players. When working with people, I try to work together well and keep the peace among each other, keeping the goal or purpose of our work as the main focus. When conflict does arise, I try to take care of it quickly and fairly and in a way that is best for everyone.

Leadership Skills:
Whenever I'm in a leadership position, I try to lead by being a servant. I don't give people work or directions and then leave them to it. I try to be in there with them, helping them, and encouraging them. Leading is best done by being an example and having a humble spirit. I don't lord over people but I do use my authority when appropriate. These skills could always be improved as I can pinpoint times when I needed more self-confidence and could have put in more effort.

Diversity Awareness and Sensitivity:
I see all people as people God made in His image, no matter their race or religion. I have learned to appreciate different cultures by visiting other countries. I have served people of different backgrounds and beliefs keeping in mind that, though different, they were created by God and are loved by Him.

My Spiritual Gifts
One of my most dominate spiritual gifts is the gift of teaching. I have a passion to accurately teach the Word of God itself or to teach other subjects of interest through the filter of the Word of God. I have a passion for knowledge and how to best use that knowledge to help others know and apply what has been revealed to me. I desire to teach not simply so that I can convey the information or knowledge that I hold but so that, the Holy Spirit through me, can excite and motivate people to learn, to apply, and to grow in Christ. The learner is the most important part of the teaching process, not me or my subject. Ultimately, my goal is to disciple. This gift can be used in Christian leadership by teaching a Bible study, Sunday school, leading small groups, holding classes of different interests, or even keeping a blog where I teach through the written word.

Another one of my dominate spiritual gifts is the gift of administration. I am organized, a planner, and will take charge when no one else will. I follow a schedule and focus on the goal and make sure that the goal is met in an efficient way. This gift can be used in Christian leadership by directing programs, projects, or ministries. It can also be used by being the church or ministry office manager.

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